Rhinoplasty 101

shutterstock 1060368965 1024x683 1Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is typically performed to change the nose aesthetically and/or to improve the function of one’s nose. This is a procedure that both of our top rhinoplasty surgeons in Utah perform often with incredible results.

Individuals who are considering a rhinoplasty usually feel like the shape and size of their nose does not fit their face. The nose is actually the most defining feature of the face and can have a huge impact on a person’s appearance. There are no two noses that look completely alike, making this surgery very personal.  A rhinoplasty can make a crooked nose straight, wide or large nostrils smaller or more narrow, or a droopy nasal tip lifted. There are so many options and reasons one might consider a rhinoplasty.

What To Expect During a Rhinoplasty Consultation

During a rhinoplasty consultation you can expect a thorough exam of your nose with one of our facial plastic surgeons. When analyzing the nose there are many aspects that are being looked at. Aspects include the patient’s face shape and facial features. Since the nose is the most defining feature, our surgeons believe that it should complement the other features of the face.

When your nose is being evaluated the front, tip and side views are all taken into consideration. The front is analyzed to assess whether the nose is straight, narrow, twisted, wide or normal. The tip of the nose is evaluated to see if there are asymmetries, bulbous or abnormalities. The side is viewed to determine whether the nose is too short or long, has a hump or dip.

Functional & Cosmetic Aspects of the Nose

Yes, the patient’s nose should look great but we never want to harm the function of the nose in order to achieve an aesthetic outcome. This is why our surgeons help patients understand what to realistically expect with surgery. Both Dr. Thompson and Dr. Henstrom are dual-certified  in otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery, which ensures they understand both the functional and cosmetic aspects of the nose. If the patient has existing functional problems, such as a septal deviation or breathing issues, they can be addressed at the same time as a cosmetic rhinoplasty. Performing both surgeries at once will not only improve the patient’s breathing issues but will also help the patient achieve their aesthetic goal.

Each and every patient is going to have their own aesthetic goals and exceptions, making every surgical approach unique.  Dr. Thompson and Dr. Henstrom are facial plastic surgeon experts who have performed hundreds of successful rhinoplasties.

For more information on a rhinoplasty in SLC, Draper, Layton and surrounding areas, call (801) 776-2220 or contact us HERE.


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