Lip Lift: What to Expect from Start to Finish

A lip lift is a minimally invasive procedure that is typically done to shorten the length of the “white lip” (area between the upper lip and nostrils). Both Utah facial plastic surgeons, Dr. Scott Thompson and Dr. Douglas Henstrom, perform lip lift procedures often with incredibly natural results.

Lip Lift Consultation

During your consultation with either Dr. Scott Thompson or Dr. Douglas Henstrom, they will determine whether or not you are an appropriate candidate for a lip lift. An ideal candidate for this procedure is typically a patient in their 50’s or older seeking a long term solution to enhance and/or correct their elongated upper lip. We also see younger patients with a naturally longer lip who are also ideal candidates.

Your surgeon will also discuss potential risks and complications as well as what to expect during surgery and with the recovery process.

Following your consultation, you will meet with your Patient Care Coordinator who will discuss all the financial details. If you decide to schedule, your PCC will have you come in for a pre-operative appointment 3 weeks prior to your surgery date or in some cases it can be done while you are still in the office for your consultation.

Day of Lip Lift Surgery

As mentioned above, lip lifts are minimally invasive procedures that are generally done at our Layton or Draper office. The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes under local anesthesia.

First, the upper lip area is numbed with a series of injections. Once the area is numb, the incision is started directly underneath the nostrils in the shape of a bullhorn. The excess skin is removed and the incisions are closed in layers. The thin scar is easily hidden in the crease directly under the nostrils. It is very rare that the “gull wing” technique is used, which involves an incision along the vermillion border making the scar more noticeable.

Lip Lift Recovery

Following the lip lift procedure a pressure bandage is placed and instructed to be removed after 24 hours. The incision needs to be cleaned morning and night with diluted hydrogen peroxide followed by bacitracin (antibiotic ointment) until the sutures come out on day 5. Bruising and swelling is usually minimal and can be camouflaged with makeup after 10 days. Light exercise can be resumed one week after the procedure.

To learn more about a lip lift in Draper, Layton, SLC or surrounding areas in Utah, call our office at (801) 776-2220 or contact us HERE.

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