What to Know Before Getting a Neck Lift

Recent article from Utah Facial Plastics on KSL.com on 5 things to know before getting a neck lift surgery….

If you’ve ever contemplated plastic surgery, you’re far from alone. As people age, they tend to have several aspects they’d like to change about their appearances. There’s no shame in trying to reach aesthetic goals to increase confidence and happiness, but it is important to do your research beforehand.

Here are some things to think about and understand regarding one of the most popular procedures: a neck lift.

1. What to Know: Getting a ‘neck lift’ usually means a facelift

There is some confusion about what a neck lift entails because improvements to the neck usually involve some amount of adjustments to the face. Many people desire a neck lift to improve the contrast between the jawline and neck, or to remove extra fat deposits below the chin.

This remedy for a double chin usually comes in the form of liposuction, or submental liposuction, which removes the excess fat for a more fit and youthful appearance.

2. What to Know: Different types of procedures exist

Within the facelift procedure, there are different options available. For best results, patients should look for a surgeon that performs a comprehensive facelift to correct and lift the jowls, midfacial area, and skin on the neck. This procedure requires general anesthesia and is typically an in-patient surgery that takes 3-5 hours to perform.

Some patients can get by with a less invasive facelift called a MACS which can be done as an in-office procedure. It has fewer incisions and a shorter recovery time. However, certain types of skin and aging call for a full facelift.

It is also worth noting that neck lift procedures include liposuction beneath the chin and jawline to remove unnecessary fat deposits.

Read more HERE.

The Neck Lift Procedure: Expectations and Recovery

If you are considering a neck lift procedure, it’s natural to wonder about what to expect during the process and after the surgery. Let’s explore the key aspects of the procedure itself, as well as what you can anticipate during recovery.

The neck lift procedure, also known as rhytidectomy, aims to tighten and lift the skin around the neck area to reduce visible signs of aging. Factors such as heredity, gravity, environmental conditions, and stress contribute to the aging signs in the jaw and neck area that many individuals seek to address through this surgery.

The procedure typically involves making small incisions behind each ear and underneath the chin. Through these incisions, the surgeon tightens the neck muscles and removes excess skin to achieve a more youthful appearance.

Recovery time after a neck lift can vary from person to person, but generally, individuals can expect to return to their daily activities and work within two weeks of the surgery. However, it is important to note that complete healing may take several months.

During the immediate recovery period, individuals may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated areas. This is normal and can be managed with prescribed pain medication and proper self-care techniques recommended by your surgeon.

It’s essential to follow your surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care diligently. This includes keeping your head elevated while resting or sleeping, refraining from strenuous activities, avoiding direct sun exposure, and attending scheduled follow-up appointments for proper monitoring of your progress.

Remember that each individual’s experience will differ based on various factors such as their overall health, age, and surgical technique used. Therefore, it is crucial to have open communication with your plastic surgeon throughout your recovery journey.

Post-surgery Recovery Time for Neck Lifts

After undergoing a neck lift procedure, your body will need time to heal and adjust. The exact recovery time can vary from person to person based on factors such as individual healing abilities, extent of the surgery, and adherence to post-operative care instructions. However, let’s explore a general timeline for post-surgical recovery.

In the immediate aftermath of the surgery, you may experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling in the treated area. Your surgeon will provide pain management strategies and prescribe medications if necessary to enhance your comfort during this initial phase. It’s important to follow their recommendations and take any prescribed medications as directed.

During the first week of recovery, you may be advised to wear a compression garment or dressing around your neck and jawline to minimize swelling and support the healing process. It’s crucial to strictly adhere to these guidelines for optimal results.

Within the first two weeks, you can gradually resume light activities such as walking. However, it’s crucial to avoid strenuous exercise or activities that could put strain on your neck muscles during this time. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions and timelines for when you can safely resume regular physical activities.

As the weeks progress, swelling and bruising will gradually subside. Most individuals are able to return to work and their daily routines within two weeks following the surgery. However, keep in mind that each person’s recovery may differ slightly.

It’s important to remember that complete healing and final results take time. While visible improvement is often noticeable after a few weeks, it may take several months for all swelling to dissipate and for the neck area to fully settle into its new contours.

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