Lower Blepharoplasty with Fat Repositioning & Perioral Dermabrasion by Dr. Manning
Case ID: 42322
2 months post surgery
Lower Blepharoplasty with Fat Repositioning & Perioral Dermabrasion by Dr. ManningView our dermabrasion before and after pictures where you can see the positive effects of our dermabrasion treatment. View all the dermabrasion healing and recovery pictures below.
Individual results may vary.Case ID: 19274
Facelift & Perioral Dermabrasion, 6 months post surgery
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Facelift, Lower Eyelids, Perioral Dermabrasion, 4 months post surgery
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This patient wanted to improve early signs of aging, skin laxity and lines. A Macslift, dermabrasion around the mouth, and an upper eyelid surgery was done to accomplish this. 11 months post surgery
Macslift, Perioral Dermabrasion, Upper Blepharoplasty by Dr. HenstromCase ID: 16071
Macslift and perioral dermabrasion for facial rejuvenation and lines around the mouth, 4 months post surgery
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Facelift and perioral dermabrasion, 8 months post surgery
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Peri-oral dermabrasion, 6 months post surgery
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Facelift, Browlift, Perioral Dermabrasion, Pre Jowl Implant, Upper Eyelid Surgery, 2 1/2 years post surgery
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