Did Your Favorite Celebrity Get Plastic Surgery, Yes or No?

Did they or didn’t they? We’re talking plastic surgery, of course. Fox News ran an article this month on with a number of celebrities questioning whether or not they’ve undergone plastic surgery based on their before and after photos. We’ve added them here for you to be the judge! What do you think?

What would a celebrity plastic surgery blog post be without Kim Kardashian?! This reality star denies any plastic surgery rumors but when you look closely, she looks quite different. When more images surfaced showing over-done lips, she explained: “The reality is I didn’t [have plastic surgery]. I was puffy. I was swollen.” Sounds fishy to me.

Vivica Fox

Vivica Fox looks somewhat different in her current photo on the right compared to her image from back in 2003. “Yeah, I have experimented with it, but no, I’m not doing any more plastic surgery,” she told Upscale magazine.

Rumer’s lips definitely look more plump after stepping out in West Hollywood. Is it just a rumor, or did this actress get lip injections?

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman’s face has changed several times over the years. You can see that as time has gone on, her lips and forehead took a new look and more recently her nose has been looking slightly turned up.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox tries hard to prove her beauty is all au naturel by posting TwitPics of herself showing off her wrinkles to dispel rumors of plastic surgery. But whether it’s a different makeup artist or new doc, something looks slightly more plump these days.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is adamant that she hasn’t had any work done but it’s getting harder and harder to believe her stories as her lips continue to get bigger and bigger.

Lark Voorhies

Lark Voorhies, best known for playing Lisa on “Saved By the Bell” has drastically changed her look since her child star days. It’s unfortunate when treatments are overdone like this as she is hardly recognizable.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez looks amazing for her age (42) but is it genes or great docs? It’s likely both but we’re glad to she hasn’t gone overboard….yet, at least.

Kate Gosselin

Kate Gosselin appeared on “The View” earlier this year looking awfully different than her days on TLC. Aside from her longer locks, her nose, chin and cheeks all look a bit redone.

Related Resources

To learn more about plastic surgery, schedule a consultation with one of our double board-certified surgeons to discuss your facial aesthetic needs. 

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